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    aion kinah

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Mittwoch, 17. August 2011

your total visit
Von aionbbb, 12:50


According to Google there are,aion kinah, currently "hundreds of thousands" of sites contributing to this pool of data. Whilst we do not know specific sites or their nature, Google has "endeavoured to make all metrics here statistically significant". With ,maplestory mesos, that said, we'll have to take all insights with a pinch of proverbial salt. From the Site Administrators point of view it's important to state that no absolute metrics are shared, which means that your total visit, page views or conversion numbers will not be published.

The Content

The 'Google Analytics Benchmarking,lotro gold, Newsletter' contains three sections:

  1. Site Metrics
  2. Traffic Sources
  3. Operating Systems

The period analysed was November 1, 2010 - February 1, 2011 and comparison is done with data from,cabal gold, November 1, 2009 - February 1, 2010. The Google Analytics team provide little in the way of commentary and explanation, leaving the door open for interpretation. Below I have shared the data tables and graphs from the newsletter, which follows ,RIFT sales,with my thoughts/questions.

Thoughts and questions

  • Slightly fewer pages viewed per visit: Does this mean more in-page interaction via Flash/HTML5?
  • Overall bounce rate is,atlantica gold, slightly decreased: Are marketers getting better at targeting their desired audiences?
  • Bounce Rate is 47% overall: Does that mean that almost half of all visits are unsuccessful?
  • Are search engines providing more relevant results
  • PPC has a lower bounce rate than,sro gold, natural search: Do users appreciate explicit messaging on a SERP?
  • Are on-site processes more efficient and as a result leading to shorter visits
  • Is there an inverse relationship between bounce rate and time on site in most countries?
  • What would this data,dofus kamas, look like if we added GDP and internet or broadband penetration for each country?
  • Will direct entry be a permanent feature, regardless ,RIFT platinum,of search capabilities?
  • Is the Vatican receiving help from a higher power in pursuit of conversion?

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